How does it work?
A precise stream of aluminium oxide crystals is directed through a hand piece onto the skin. This, in turn, loosens and exfoliates the top layer of dead cells. The skin is simultaneously vacuumed to reveal a fresher, healthier looking you.Microdermabrasion promotes the production of new cells in the basal (deepest)layers of the skin and stimulates the growth of collagen to further smooth and improve skin tone and appearance
Hydrodermabrasion combines Microdermabrasion with the delivery of solution jets to further assist with the exfoliation process by simultaneously applying powerful curated products to cool, nourish, clear and hydrate the skin during the treatment. Designed to exfoliate, rejuvenate, promote clearing and plump the skin.
Hydrodermabrasion utilises a diamond tip rather than a crystal stream to exfoliate the skin.Product solutions are carefully picked to suit your skin condition and concerns.